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Current Newsletter

A Visit to Kiawah and Seabrook Island


Nov 16.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.   The next issue of this newsletter will be Tuesday the 22nd, due to Thanksgiving being celebrated in the U.S. next Thursday .

We view the Topretirements website,now deep into our 10th year of existence, as a collaborative effort. If you have comments or suggestions for articles we welcome them in the spirit that we can all benefit from our mutual experience and ideas. Likewise we appreciate you spreading the word by forwarding this newsletter to a friend. They can get their own free, no obligation, copy here.
Once again the low rate of inflation has helped shield Medicare beneficiaries from a big rate hike. The "hold harmless" clause is in effect and will keep the increase very small for 70% of folks. The remainder will see a larger, but not crippling, increase.
If you are looking for a peaceful place to enjoy life in a true golfing environment, look no further than Pinehurst Village. The village is charming and the golf is spectacular and historic.  Nearby towns like Southern Pines offer different takes on the experience - the area is worth exploring.
We round out our recent explorations of South Carolina (see 10 Best SC Places to Retire and Judith's Trip Report in the Blog) with your editor's recent visit to Kiawah and Seabrook Island. They sureare beautiful!
As part of our ongoing effort to keep our information current, we just updated 4 of our State Retirement Guides with the latest tax and home price info. The link goes to all of our guides (50 states plus 24 countries)
This, the smallest county in Colorado, had not been on our radar. But after we noticed that Topretirements has 5 active or 55+ communities listed here - clearly something is going on in Broomfield. Midway between Boulder and Denver, it has 66 miles of trails and 700 acres of parks.
There is always a fascinating array of different Comments to our various Blog articles. But unless you subscribe to our Daily Digest you might not ever see them. 
Forward this to a friend.   If you have friends thinking about retirement, please forward them this newsletter. They can get their own subscription to this free weekly "Best Places" newsletter, the Daily Digest, and the East and West New Community newsletters by going to our Newsletter sign up page.


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